Stuffed Artichokes

Artichokes… love them or hate them? They seem to be one of those foods where there is no gray area! I’ve met so many people in my life who have basically told me they don’t have the patience to eat them, don’t know how to make them, or just don’t care for them. Yet, growing […]
Stuffed Zucchini Flowers (Blossoms)

Ahhh summer…. so much to look forward to! The delicate flowers of young zucchini plants are something we look forward to all year long in our home. I get the same question from my husband every year while planting the garden, “Are you sure you planted enough zucchini?? You know how I LOVE zucchini flowers!” […]
Garden Pesto

I don’t know about you, but I just love the smell of fresh basil. For the last two weeks our garden has been producing beautiful basil plants, zucchini flowers (blossoms) and small tomatoes. My husband goes out there every morning before the direct sunlight reaches the garden to water all the plants and pick […]
Zucchini Chips

This time of year is perfect for baking some delicious zucchini chips. The zucchini featured on the homepage is growing right now in my garden =) In another day or two, I will slice, bread and bake this zucchini into an amazingly delicious treat. Zucchini chips are a perfect healthy snack for kids or a […]
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