Turkey Chili

For all of the chili connoisseurs out there, this recipe is a definite try! It actually originated from a book I bought my sister when she was getting married, called Ahhh! My Apartment has a Kitchen! At the time she wasn’t too interested in cooking so I found this easy cooking and baking book for […]
Minestrone Soup

On a rainy Saturday in January, I tend to think of making a soup for lunch. Today when I looked around my kitchen and pantry and saw the ingredients I had available, minestrone soup immediately came to mind. When I think of minestrone soup I sometimes think of it as an “everything but the kitchen […]
Escarole & Bean Soup

Happy New Year! It’s been a busy couple of months and cooking dinner has had to be only three things: delicious, fast and healthy. Easy enough, right? Well, believe it or not it really can be when you enjoy eating fresh vegetables and cannellini beans as much as I do. One of my favorite dishes […]
Florentine White Bean Soup

Ahhh Firenze! Who doesn’t love Florence, Italy and all of the beauty it offers us? I was sitting on my couch about a year ago looking at a photo of the Ponte Vecchio (the old bridge in Florence) and started thinking about my time spent attending school in Florence. During that period of time, I […]
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